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People impact us and our lives as much as we allow them to. I am very careful about who I allow to be close to me and my family. It is a choice and we all are in control of those things; perhaps, more than some may want to admit.


I also choose whether or not I will be loved, nurtured, cared for, taught, mentored, built up, and potentially transformed into a new version of myself. I choose who comes into my life and I choose what I will allow them to do TO my life. Now, before you start asking everyone you love so much to do all of these things for you; ask yourself if they are…capable and qualified to do those things and are they all connected to God?


As you start your day and your week, remind yourself how important it is to choose your people and your perspective in this life.


Have great day!



As always warm up properly before starting your training session and please consult a physician before starting a new exercise regimen.

1.      Hanging Leg Raises - 4 sets x 12 reps.

2.      Rope Crunches - 4 sets x 10 reps.

3.      Ab Wheel- 3 sets x 12 reps .

4.      Russian Twists 3 sets x 12 reps.

5.      Full Plank 4 x 1 min hold

6.      Sit Ups 3 sets x 12 reps                                

Rest periods at 1-2 mins per set, but try to stick to the lower end of the rest periods.  

Workout provided by: Juan Martinez at West Texas Strength Training Facility


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