Two things I have learned about prayer that have changed my life:
1. Learning how to pray
My relationship with God is not a one way deal, where I get to summon Him for recent repairs and new desires. I should approach God with adoration and respect, with love and thanksgiving.
2. Learning what to pray for:
Prayer is conversation with God followed by a time for me to listen. I am supposed ask for guidance, and take time to listen. Sometimes, I make requests for the things I think I need in my life, but nowadays I try to ask God to show me what I need in my life. I say other things too but I know God has the answers lol
Ultimately, God just wants to hear from me and I know this. But just like any relationship, the quality of my conversation usually dictates the closeness of my relationship as well.
These are my beliefs. They don’t have to be yours, but it has changed the direction and the quality of my life in a big way.
Have a great day!
Lower Body Blast
Warm-up: 5-10 minutes of light cardio
1. Deadlifts:
· 4 sets of 6-8 reps
· Lift with proper form to target the posterior chain.
2. Squats:
· 4 sets of 8-10 reps
· Challenge yourself with a squat rack or Smith machine.
3. Lunges:
· 3 sets of 10 reps per leg
· Use dumbbells or a barbell across your shoulders.
4. Leg Press:
· 3 sets of 10-12 reps
· A machine-based exercise to target quads and glutes.
5. Calf Raises:
· 3 sets of 12-15 reps
· Use a calf raise machine or a Smith machine.
Cool-down: Stretch your legs, focusing on quads, hamstrings, and calves
Remember to progressively increase weights and adjust exercises based on your progress. It's crucial to maintain proper form and listen to your body to avoid injury. If you're new to strength training, consider working with a fitness professional to ensure you're performing exercises correctly.
Workout provided by: Juan Martinez at West Texas Strength Training Facility
Contact Juan at westtexasstrength@gmail.com